
It’s one-way looking

Now the person’s gone

People form a queue to look upon

The frail form that once was so alive

Still in death and death still a surprise


It’s a shock they’ve gone

That moment when no more

We hear their breath and know their smile

The door they’ve gone through

Waits for you and me

But worry not it is God’s eternity


In this world our looking is two-way

The eye of God upon us every day

Live in that gaze and never leave its light

There is no darkness then

The world is bright


Brian Fahy

2 January 2023


+ The body of Benedict XVI lies in state for people to view and bid farewell. My sister, Tricia made mammy’s room like a chapel when we came to say our farewells to our mammy. It is always a shock to see the dead, for the person has gone, is no longer there. They have gone to God.




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